
Friday, April 6, 2012

Forming a Band 101: The Basics

The Guitar is a famous instrument of music. Everyone has heard of it, many of us play it. Most people who are passionate about music start their journey with the guitar. At one stage, most musicians dream big, dream of performing on stage in front of huge crowds all chanting along with the song. That's when they need to go out and find a Band. Most young musicians nowadays want to become famous through a band. And that's where I come in. I will tell you how to be successful performing with a band.
Many bands perform for years and years, have some experienced musicians but doesn't have the fame or fan base they would've wanted. A lot of factors are responsible here, but I am not gonna go on about that. I'll get to the matter right away. To form a good band, at first you need good skill. You need to get experienced with the instrument you wield. Once you are able to cover some good songs, some difficult songs, you are ready to form a band. Find some good people to form a band with, the best would be your friends. If your friends can play instruments or can sing well, ask them if they want to form a band with you. If none of your friends are interested, you need to go out. There are jamming zones or jamming pads in every neighborhood. Go to these pads, post a leaflet saying 'Rock Guitarist looking for a Band' or something similar.You can even tell your friends to tell people interested to form a band to talk to you. Eventually someone will turn up. Be sure to check out his/her/their skills. Don't form a band with them if they are way better than you or way worse than you. Only accept them if their skill is almost similar to yours. Don't be the weak link in the band. Find people you can socialize with easily. It's best if you personally know the members. Band mates must be like friends, so treat them like friends. Hang out with them. Have fun with them. Get to know them. Getting friendly with your band mates is one of the most important aspects in making a band good and famous.
Having gotten good members, your job from now on is to practice, Practice and PRACTICE! The emphasis is on the word 'Practice'. If you don't practice, you will never reach stardom. Find songs that all of your band mates including yourself enjoy listening to. Practice them, perform them. Get some songs ready and go to some competitions. 
The bottom-line is, get some good band members. Good band members make a good band. So, choose your members carefully. Oh, and Practice!

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